Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All Dressed Up With No Place To Go

Tuxedo shirt + Camouflage pants + Flaming Converse sneakers = Slave to fashion.


  1. Hello Colleen! You all seem so happy to be back states side. I am actually beginning to blog now and I have you to thank for it. I am also a complete and total addict to Dooce and Etsy too - thanks again! Hope all is well. Know that you are missed here at Sig. How is WW going? I am on week two of online WW. If I run across any great recipes I'll let you know. Take care - Carrie McKown

  2. Too cute! He looks like such a little punk rocker in that outfit.

  3. Ciao Carrie,
    It’s so good to hear from you. I’m psyched you have a blog. I love it. I think everyone should have a blog! Jack is getting so big and he's cuter than ever. I’ve been fooling around with WW and not following through for months now, but I just finally buckled down and started going to meeting two weeks ago. So far it helps to have the support and being held accountable every week is definitely a kick in the ass! Please share your recipes and I’ll do the same. I was posting recipes once a week on my blog but I soon realized that was WAY more work than I’m willing to do so I cancelled that portion of my blog real quick.

    He’s a cross between Sid Vicious and Johnny Rotten and I’m not talking about appearance!

  4. Hey Coleen,

    Love the shirt!!!!
    Ok this is weird. We think alike. I start going to WW two weeks ago too!!!!! Well if you have any tips fill me in and i will fill you in if i have any. well good luck!!! we can do this!!!!!

  5. That is so adorable. I was thinking..."Now where did that wascly wabbit go?" ;)

    P.S. Did you get my email? I sent it twice b/c I don't think the first one arrived....

  6. Hey Michelle Swindell,
    Yes, let's keep each other motivated! Good luck!

    Hi Michelle AKA Sognatrice,
    No, I never got your email and I thought that was strange since you're usually so speedy to respond. Please try again- coleentrent(at)yahoo(dot)com.
