Thursday, May 15, 2008

Major Milestones

Yay for Currier! It was a big week for the little man. First, he said his name for the first time (see video!). And second, he did pee pee in the potty for the first time tonight (I actually took a picture of the pee in the potty but will spare you that Kodak moment!).


  1. Oh my gosh you guys, he's like a REAL little boy!! And that's a difficult name to say!! Congrats and keep the videos coming--Ella loves seeing her long-distance beau!


  2. OHHHH MY GOSSSSH!!! How adorable.. he has the cutest voice ever.. and he said it so clearly!!

    ::tears in my eyes::

    Any big plans for tomorrow?
    Love-Meagan, Jack & Ana

  3. Woah - congratulations! Any advice on potty training? What enticed him to pee in the potty? On a different topic, is Currier sleeping in a crib or a bed? We're thinking of making the transition...and wondering if Currier has done it yet!

  4. Awesome Currier!! What a great big grown up boy he is becoming. ~ Mindi

  5. OMG....tear.

    the wisslers, including Steve

  6. Hi Aja,
    I know he's all grown up now. This morning I had to help him fill out college applications!

    Yeah, his voice is pretty adorable, especially when he's screaming "NO" in my face! Nothing major for the little man's birthday since we're working on buying a house this week.

    Actually, I really haven't begun potty training. I've just introduced the potty to him and we talk about the potty a lot. He was walking around naked after a bath and I guess all that talking worked because he just went in the bathroom and did it all on his own. He came out and said, "pee pee potty". It was a little miracle! I'll be sure to share advice when we master the "actual training". As for the toddler bed, Currier has been climbing out of the pack & play for months now so as soon as we move into our new home we're making the transition to a toddler bed.

    He's not a baby anymore... sniff sniff.

    Hey Wisslers (including Steve!),
    Miss you wacky bastards!
