Monday, October 27, 2008

I Finally Found The Perfect Job!

I called them and told them that I'm due on November 17th and wouldn't be available until the 18th. Can't wait to get started!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bruco's Graduation

Bruco graduated from obedience training this morning. We're so proud of him. The two months of intense training was worth it. Bruco is listening to us and seems a lot happier (probably because we're not yelling at him all the time!). It's such a sense of relief. Congratulations Bruco, you're a good boy... oh, yes you are... you're a good boy. Now go lay down!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Fun With Aunt Carrie

Aunt Carrie came and spent a quick weekend with us. Almost as soon as she arrived, Trent and I ran out the door for a much needed date night—thanks Carrie. While Carrie and Currier ordered pizza, watched movies and ate popcorn, Trent and I enjoyed an evening out—just the two of us. We shared a bunch of savory appetizers at a Greek Restaurant, hit Dunkin Donuts for decafs, walked around Lowe's and dreamed of future home improvements (I know this sounds lame but we had two hours to spare until our movie started and driving around burning gas is not an option in this economy!), sat at a Tapas bar and watched a bit of the Red Sox game and then saw Burn After Reading at the theater while eating contraband candy. It was a great date and will probably be our last for a long time.

The following day, we all went to Boone Hall Plantation to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. The line was very long and Currier was hungry and tired so it didn't turn out to be as fun as I expected but Currier did pick a magnificent pumpkin that we hope to get around to carving before Halloween.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sushi Wishes and Blueberry Pie Dreams

I turned 35-years-old today or what my doctor likes to refer to as "advanced maternal age"! We celebrated with a big sushi dinner (don't worry I stay away from the raw stuff when I'm pregnant) and instead of a birthday cake we had blueberry pie—something I've been craving for my entire pregnancy but never gave in to it. Although I'm feeling pretty crappy and in the "get this baby out of me" stage, when Currier sang Happy Birthday to me my pain melted away for a moment and I was reminded that it's all worth it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bowl Cut

When Trent came home from work and saw Currier's new haircut he said, "Hey, remember Jim Carrey's character in Dumb and Dumber?... long pause... That's all I really have to say!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Flat Stanley Visits Charleston

Our niece from Florida, Nyah, sent us her friend, Flat Stanley, for a school project. It was our pleasure showing Flat Stanley around so that he could go back to Florida and tell Nyah and her classmates all about his adventures in Charleston. The first place we took Flat Stanley was the USS Yorktown, a Navy aircraft carrier that served in the Pacific during World War II. It is the oldest surviving aircraft carrier still intact and is now a museum ship. We also took Flat Stanley to see another major local landmark of Charleston, the Cooper River Bridge, which has a main span of 1,546 feet, the longest among cable-stayed bridges in the Western Hemisphere. After sightseeing, Flat Stanley got hungry so we took him out for some local food called Gullah Cuisine. Gullah are African Americans who live in the Low Country of South Carolina. The Gullah Cuisine dishes that Flat Stanley tried were fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes and collard greens. After our delicious home cooked meal, Flat Stanley tried a Charleston Chew because you can't come to Charleston and not try one!

We also took Flat Stanley to Dunkin Donuts. Yeah, we know Dunkin Donuts has nothing to do with Charleston. We just really love the place!

Daddy & Me

Today was my last Mommy and Me class with Currier at My Gym. Trent is taking over for the remainder of my pregnancy and during my six-week c-section recovery. I was a little sad when class ended today but it's time to slow down and let Trent chase the monkey.

Monday, October 13, 2008

MERCY! Seriously, MERCY!

Don't let this picture fool you. I'm not having any fun at all! Lately I've been spending most of my time on the couch in my pajamas sobbing in pain, but I'm not about to post a picture of that on the Internet! I'm 35 weeks pregnant, ginormous and completely miserable. Last week I went to the doctor with what I thought was a UTI (that's urinary tract infection for those who aren't familiar with the painful pee affliction) but it turns out that I have freakin kidney stones! So now I have to "deliver" those babies in addition to the child that has taken up permanent residence on my sciatic nerve. With 35 days until my due date, I'm begging for mercy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wella is Back!

Manuela has returned! She and her husband were sent back to Naples indefinitely but now they're back in America indefinitely. She called last week with the good news. They'll stay in Charleston until December for sure and then her husband will find out if his contract will be renewed or not. We're keeping our fingers crossed that she'll get to stay another year.
Since Manuela is from Naples, where pizza was invented, we celebrated her return by making authentic Naples-style pizza and it turned out soooo delizioso! Grazie for the lesson Manuela!

Dinner With Friends

This is Trent's co-worker Cinnamon with her two adorable kids, Amara and Max. We had them over for dinner over the weekend along with Cinnamon's husband JB and their cool neighbors, Melissa & Michael (Unfortunately, I didn't capture any photos of them. I wasn't in my normal shutterbug mood due to a very sore sciatic nerve!). Cinnamon has been such a good friend to us since we moved to SC. She shares her wisdom with us on the best places to eat and the coolest places to shop. She generously loaned me trash bags full of maternity clothes. She sends Trent home a few times a month with bags full of Max's hand-me-downs for Currier and Amara's hand-me-downs for the new baby. She's sweet, funny and unbelievably has the same warped sense of humor as Trent and I. We feel like we've been friends with Cinnamon and her family forever. And Currier thinks Max is the greatest!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Wonderful Husband

The other night after dinner, I asked Trent if he would please clean up the dirty dishes because it was going to take my exhausted pregnant body a little while to get up from the table. His reply—“Oh Honey, I'll sit here with you until you're ready to get up and clean." Isn't he the best!?