Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Favorites—Our New Hard Wood Floors

I thought I'd start recording my favorite things every Friday and there is no better way to start this installation of blog posts than my new hard wood floors. We just got Australian Cypress installed two weeks ago and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that these floors have changed my life! Not only did they make our home more pleasing to the eye but they are also a snap to clean up. No more getting on my hands and knees with resolve carpet cleaner! Hooray! The guys that installed our floors (Wood boys— highly recommend them!) said the best cleaning product for wood floors is Bona. Does anyone else think that's funny or do I have the sense of humor of a 6th grader? Happy Friday.


  1. Looks gorgeous! I am jealous - I am always using Resolve on our carpet - hopefully one day, we will get rid of it. :)

  2. Did you have the carpet taken out and the floors put in? We have wood floors now but they are in bad shape. I love what you guys picked. It looks awesome! Also, I painted my bathroom purple and then couldn't handle it!! B/c we have awful tile and it just wasn't working. When I saw your bathroom I was jealous!! That's what I was going for but it so didn't work. I painted the bathroom 3x in the last 3 weeks!! Chris thinks I'm nuts. Ok, enough rambling.. enjoy your new floors.

  3. That's probably especially funny with a Boston accent! Do you have a Boston accent? Somehow Rosemary doesn't...: )

  4. Coleen they look beautiful!!!! ANd yes that is funny!!!

  5. i too must have a 6th graders mentality! BONA.. WOOD.. LOL I get it., I totally get it.

    Btw..the floors do look awesome. I think I told you already, i love the distressed look.. :)
