Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday Favorites- Elf on the Shelf

This year we started the Elf on the Shelf tradition. It's a little elf that comes down from the North Pole to keep an eye on Currier and Rya. The elf reports back to Santa every evening and comes back to our house the next morning. Each morning the kids have to find the elf and then they have to be on their best behavior all day or else the elf will give a naughty report to Santa. It's bribery at its best!

Be good. The elf is watching you!


  1. THIS IS SO COMPLETELY AWESOME!!! I'm totally stealing this idea when the time comes.. Hell I might just start doing it for Chuck. Bribery and all!!

    Love it :)

  2. We started the elf of the shelf tradition this year too! Ours is Peter and Ruth talks to him all day long. SHe even got emberrassed one morning when she was getting dressed downstairs and realized that "Peter" could see her naked! HA! I love it. Ruth is on her best behavior ALL the time.

  3. Dammit! I was going to send this to the kids for a gift!-Aunt Eddie will have to think of something else.
