Friday, May 13, 2011

A Parent's Nightmare

Yesterday morning on the way to school, Currier asked me to turn around and go home because he needed to go to the bathroom. I asked how bad he had to go and when he didn’t answer I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw my worst nightmare—Currier’s head was tilted back, his eyes were rolled back into his head and he was convulsing. Seconds later he was slumped over unconscious and snoring. I slammed on brakes pulled over in the grass on Highway 17 and began shaking Currier, “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” He woke, projectile vomited, lost control of his bowels and then the whole nightmare repeated itself.

Later in the ER I learned that he had Febrile seizures which is caused by a sudden spike in his temperature. It’s still a mystery what caused the fever since he tested negative for the most obvious illnesses. He’s fine now but I don’t think I’ll ever be the same.


  1. You poor, poor baby. What a scary moment. I know they say these are 'common' and don't do permanent damage, but I've always been so afraid to see one on nights when my kids are spiking a fever. UGH. Love you guys, Col - this just gave me chills.


  2. OMG I bet you were barely breathing and too scared to cry. Oh, honey. May that never, ever happen again.

  3. OMG! I was shaking reading this!!! I'm so sorry!!!!!

  4. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine how sacry this must have been!!!

  5. I've read this post like 20 times and every time it makes my heart race... ((((BIGHUGS))))
