I have runner's knee which is a loose term for "you're too old for this shit". The physical therapist said this is a very common over training injury. I've had to take some time off to heal. Today marks one week of ice, rest and Motrin. It's just starting to feel better and I might attempt a short run tomorrow to get back in the game. It's six weeks till the half marathon in Savannah and sixteen weeks till the full at Disney. No more whammies, please!
This happened to me too. I ended up using a band around my knee and it seemed to help. I'm sure I looked like a giant dork! ICE, ICE Baby!! So excited you are doing a marathon. I loved my experience!! I tried to comment before about the trots (oh the trots).. thank god I didn't have that. Nope, I had my period. Real nice running down your leg at mile 24...
ReplyDeleteOh God, I didn't even think of my period! That will be my luck! That and my toenails will fall off my freak feet!