Bruco graduated from obedience training this morning. We're so proud of him. The two months of intense training was worth it.
Bruco is listening to us and seems a lot happier (probably because we're not yelling at him all the time!). It's such a sense of relief. Congratulations
Bruco, you're a good boy... oh, yes you are... you're a good boy. Now go lay down!
Bruco Rocks!!! I'm so happy he made it through the class.. I know the sense of relief is wonderful!!
Yeah, he's doing so much better... just in time to meet the newest family member!
Congrats Bruco! Good Dog!
Congrats! Your success is making me think we should enroll Abby. She loves to bark at passersby just as I put Auggie down for naps. I swear it's intentional...
BTW you don't even look pregnant in this photo beeyotch. amazing! ;)
Hi Allison,
Thanks. Bruco worked hard. He is a good dog.
It worked well for us. Bruco never had any training and I've always babied him due to his past (and because he looks so much like Remi). He needed some obedience and consistency. I'm so glad we invested in the training. He was getting out of control and I was afraid we'd have to get rid of him. I'm happy to report that Bruco will remain a Balent! He's worth it. PS... funny you mention I don't even look pregnant. The baby has dropped BIGTIME into my pelvis so now my belly has sexy Michelin man rolls and my crotch has a 20lb bubble. It's really hot! GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!!
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