Thursday, September 16, 2010

Her First Word Was...

Rya's pediatrician recommended that she be assessed by a speech therapist since she's still not speaking.  After the assessment, Rya was diagnosed developmentally delayed and it crushed me.  How on earth did my BIG MOUTH spawn a child that won't speak!?  She will be meeting with a speech therapist once a week and it's paid for by the State as early intervention.  I think she saw how upset I was and understood that we were worried about her so this week she just started spitting out words.  Her first word was PLEASE (I'm a proud mom!).  Followed by ball, hi, hot, dog, no, mine.  Go Rya, I knew you had it in you to be a big mouth like your Mama. 


Karen said...

Same thing happened with both my kids. Now I can't get them to shut up. Mahlon gets put on the 'red light' at school every day for talking!

Lila's mom said...

both of my kids were developmentally delayed. I know how upsetting it can be but she will never cease to amaze you!!! xoxo if you need a shoulder call me

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I knew she had it in her!! I know you must be sooo relieved.

Meg said...

Don't you worry.. she's gonna be babbling her butt off in no time :) I was delayed for hearing reasons... it just made me a good listener!! The early start programs are fantastic she'll be all caught up by time school starts :)

theglasshouse said...

I didn't talk until I was three. My parents thought I might have a hearing problem, until one day when I spewed out an entire sentence. Come to find out, my sister was doing all of the talking for me, so there was no need for me to say anything. As we all know, I've been making up for those three speechless years ever since.

Margaret said...

My grandchild speech difficulties and the teachers had problems understanding her even when she was 4. She saw a sppech therapist and in the end we insisted she saw a consultant. He said don't worry there is nothing physically wrong. Now she is 9 and perfectly fluent. I'm sure your little girl will be the same, so try not to worry.