Ten weeks left to go! Hopefully that's enough time to potty train Currier, redraft the will, set up college funds, finish
Bruco's obedience training course, go through Currier's baby clothes for unisex outfits, wash 50 loads of baby clothes, scrapbook two years worth of pictures, take a refresher course on breastfeeding, set up the co-sleeper in our bedroom, pack my hospital bag, choose a name for the baby, get a facial and a
You look incredible!!
Yeah, incredibly huge! :)
Thanks Kerri, you're so sweet.
No, you seriously look awesome!! Has your hair grown out a lot? You look so sleek:)
Hi Aja! Thanks for your kind comment. I look so polished because I actually showered, put on makeup and wore something other than shorts and a t-shirt... so I was all like, "Take my picure! Take my picture quick!" :) My hair hasn’t grown out too much. It’s in a very mini ponytail. How's things in Sicily? The new job? Ella? We miss you guys!
What?!? Who looks like that at 30 weeks pregnant? You look amazing! And you can totaly get all that stuff done or your name's not Colleen Currier Balent!!
Thanks Ro. I really don’t look amazing, but please continue to shower me with compliments because my self esteem is bruised. I’ve got some serious junk in the trunk with this pregnancy and I foresee a lot of gym time and Weight Watchers meetings for me in the future! Ugh.
Geesy Louisy!! Sure do wish I had a tan like that. I love that you took pictures next to all the different colors.. your so damn creative!! Now I can color match when we buy a house (hehehe).
I quit MWR yesterday.. its like a bad drug, I went to the market today and felt like I had the shakes!! (maybe it was the three capos and all the granita) ehh vabene!!
On my way home from Ohio I picked up a magazine that had a few articles on Charleston.. they talked alot about that kitchen store we went into that had the cooking classes and about the SNOB resturant. (i'll try to scan and email em)
I miss you guys something bad lately... is it April yet?
I vote Riley, Ryann or Reagan, sounds like Meagan *GRIN*
Hi Meagan,
She who dies with the best tan wins! Yeah, you like my wall colors? My home may be tacky but it’s not boring! Congratulations on your unemployment! I hope you use the free time for traveling and preparing your home for the big move over the Atlantic. Don’t forget to attend a lot wine tastings also. I miss those!
Next time you come to Charleston, I’m taking you out to dinner at SNOB. Miss you.
Hey Chica. You make me sick. You look better than I have EVER looked on my BEST skinny day! ; ) I am so happy for you! You crack me up! and I cannot wait to see your little girl. Happy you survived your first hurricane. pheeeeeeeeeeew! You need to post more pics of your gorgeous house! My baby starts COLLEGE Monday. boohoohoohoohoo!!! :( Love to you and your guys, and luv rub to your baby. : )
Hi Kathy!
As always, you are so sweet. I received Dareck’s card in the mail with the picture of him and his very proud parents and you look terrific! Seriously Kathy, you look gorgeous and I can’t believe that you have two grown sons (very cute sons I might add!). I’ll post more pictures of the house as we complete projects. I have a lot of grand plans but our budget is preventing most of them- Ugh! Miss you.
You're stunning! I could never muster up that kind of glow.
You are absolutely radiating! I'm sure I'm just a few of the women who have told you this but remember to REST UP. That newborn phase is a killer. So get the real important stuff done; treating yourself to that mani and pedi should be at the top of that list :) I can't wait to see pics Bambina Balent.
Stunning glow? You're too kind. I'm really just sweaty! :)
You are totally right. I need to put that mani/pedi at the top of my priorities right now!
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